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I prayed for this

Prayed for 70 times.

Melissa Knous

Good morning! My mom is currently being prepped for her surgery that should start at 9:00. It should last 2-3 hours. There is some speculation that this may not be enough to get her liver healthy enough for her to get chemo.... and at that point, our options are poor. Please lift my mom, her doctors, her nurses and everything that surrounds her with success and the continuation of once they get in there -- it's not as bad as it looked.... -suspected locally invasive: no --- suspected in her lungs: no --- suspected in her liver: no. I'm scared, yet I do feel peace that it will be okay... or I'll be okay with what will be. It hurts that I cannot go and sit with my dad. She will be in the hospital 1-3 days, depending on the outcome and her strength. She lost a lot of strength as the liver continued to drop in function while we waited 2-3 weeks for this procedure.

Received: December 31, 2021