Request Prayer

We have a community of people ready to pray for you! To get started, click the “share your prayer request” button below. By choosing “share this”, it will appear on the wall for others to pray over (after leader approval). You may also choose “share this anonymously” to exclude your name. Select “do not share” for any confidential prayer requests. 

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 93 times.

Melissa Knous

Prayers of praises today! Good news today!! Liver biopsy--Dec 3--all ready for ultrasound guided biopsy--during the ultrasound, the tech could not find anything to biopsy!!!! They tried contrast to maybe see it better- but still couldn't see it. So procedure stopped. No sedation, no pokes except IV. Plan: MRI of the liver. I take this as great positive news!! Keep the prayers coming!! I cannot express the gratitude for the love and prayerful support we’ve gotten. The Christ Church community is the real deal. #blessed. Next step is to access the liver function to see if it’s improved enough to start chemo next week.

Received: December 3, 2021