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I prayed for this

Prayed for 83 times.

Melissa Knous

My Mom (Joan) finally starts her cancer treatment plan this week. Wednesday she has a stent put in to improve liver drainage/function. Prayers for successful procedure and functional stent to improve her liver function. She cannot start chemo until her liver function improves. Friday she has her biopsy of the suspect liver spots. They could be 2 different things. Both bad, true cancer the worst. If it's the less bad, that part can be treated with a different pill. Next Tuesday she will have her chemo port put in. And will hopefully have her first chemo treatment next Wednesday. Please keep praying for the doctors, nurses snd successful treatment plans snd against any further delays. We need it. Also pray for my dad Kevin that he maintains his strength as this journey begins.

Received: November 29, 2021