Request Prayer

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 90 times.


Our dear neighbors of the past 36 years have received devastating health news. My great friend Tom has been valiantly struggling against the ravages of MS from 30 years. He and his wife moved to Florida about eight years ago to give him better weather and more mobility in the winters. They have now been told that he has lymphoma that is untreatable. It's highly aggressive and he likely only has a couple of weeks at most. He has a very strong wonderful family with three grown kids but, of course, they are all struggling with this news and timeline. I ask you for your prayers for Tom, Linda, Jenna, Mitch, and Dylan that Christ’s healing balm might comfort them and that He be with Tom as he takes the journey to a new life without pain and limitations. Thanks for your prayers.

Received: May 2, 2023