We have a community of people ready to pray for you! To get started, click the “share your prayer request” button below. By choosing “share this”, it will appear on the wall for others to pray over (after leader approval). You may also choose “share this anonymously” to exclude your name. Select “do not share” for any confidential prayer requests.
Please keep privacy in mind as you share. If posting on another’s behalf, we recommend getting their permission, keeping it vague, and excluding last names. Jesus knows the details.
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Gloria Spudowski
Neighbor Bill again, just taken to hospital by ambulance can't keep anything down and unable to walk...too weak. They still haven't figured out treatment for bacterial infection.
Received: November 13, 2022
Thank you God for making a way for my daughter into medical school in 2023. May the Holy Spirit lead the way with grace and understanding, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Received: November 12, 2022
Neighbor Bill very sick. Has some type of bacterial infection which they are trying to identify in order to get him right treatment. Prayers for answers to come quickly. He is very weak, no appetite, struggling very much.
Received: November 10, 2022
Laurie Brandenburg
Prayers for Jim’s dad who fell last night and broke his hip. He is scheduled for surgery today at 12:15p. Additional prayers for the medical personnel, Jim’s mom and family. We put all out trust in the Lord and we find comfort in knowing that Heaven is real️.
Received: November 9, 2022
Mary Gross
I just want to thank everyone who prayed us through 2021. Thank you for praying for Bill's heart surgery, the passing of both of Bill's parents, a rough pregnancy for our DIL and our granddaughter that was in the NIC after birth. Your prayers held us up. Our beautiful granddaughter is well and healthy and we thank God for his watchful presence through it all. God bless our church family!
Received: November 6, 2022
Lyn Ross
For Lynne who recently lost her brother and just found out her sister, Karen, has an aggressive form of breast cancer
Received: November 6, 2022
For my daughter’s friend, who is in a verbally and physically abusive marriage. She has a 2 year old. Has a restraining order against her husband. Pray for her and her child’s safety and for God’s divine intervention for all involved.
Received: November 5, 2022
Please pray for healing for Darlene, who is recovering from Covid and has a large sore on her leg where a melanoma was removed.
Received: October 30, 2022
Dainna Lowrance
Please pray for my sister in law who is in the ICU with severe infection, that she recovers quickly. Pray for my brother, niece and nephew that they remain steady in their faith in God, and that he will heal her.
Received: October 30, 2022
Peggy Olds
Please pray for my very good friend, Sue who was rushed to St. Mary's ICU and it was determined that she has a blood clot in her lung. The doctors are doing everything they can right now, so I ask for prayers that the blood clot breaks up and lets blood flow freely causing no harm to Sue.