Request Prayer

We have a community of people ready to pray for you! To get started, click the “share your prayer request” button below. By choosing “share this”, it will appear on the wall for others to pray over (after leader approval). You may also choose “share this anonymously” to exclude your name. Select “do not share” for any confidential prayer requests. 

Please keep privacy in mind as you share. If posting on another’s behalf, we recommend getting their permission, keeping it vague, and excluding last names. Jesus knows the details.

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 59 times.

Jenna B

Please say a prayer for my father as he was recently diagnosed with cancer to the bile duct. He’s a grandpa of 5 little girls who love him dearly. Thank you!

Received: June 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 63 times.

Tom Wellnitz

Please pray for my Aunt Jane, who is my last surviving aunt or uncle. Aunt Jane is suffering from bone, liver and lung cancer and is currently receiving in-home hospice care and is surrounded by her children. Throughout her life, Aunt Jane has put the needs of others before her own needs and has demonstrated what it is like to be a follower of Christ. I am going up to see her today for probably the last time.

Received: June 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 33 times.

Trudy Zarling

Please pray for Sophia who has POTS, which is an autoimmune disorder that keeps this young woman in bed most of the time. She also has asthma. Pray for healing.

Received: June 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 72 times.


Please pray for my cousin and her husband who have been fostering Allie for over a year with the intention to adopt, and now have to give her back to her birth mom. Please pray for protection for Allie, wisdom and discernment for the decision makers, and comfort, strength, and peace for mom and dad.

Received: June 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 39 times.


Please pray for my daughter's healing and our family's understanding. She was in a camp accident and we are watching over her carefully so infection doesn't set into her wounds. We praise God that she had enough instinct and wisdom to get out of the way of the most significant danger and that we are only dealing with cuts and burns.

Received: June 19, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 37 times.

Peggy Olds

Praise for Jim's successful surgery - surgeon able to repair aortic valve vs. replacing which is the better option. Jim will be in the hospital 5-10 days depending on recovery. Continued prayers for him and Cj who will be taking care of him.

Received: June 18, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 32 times.

Patty Clemens

Praise the Lord for getting Kimberly and her 5 year old son Brody safely home.

Received: June 17, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 47 times.

Amy Eberman

For the healing of my mother-in-law Debbie's lungs, that are functioning at only 30% capacity. That her body would respond to the UV treatments she's getting and her lung capacity would improve.

Received: June 17, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 49 times.


Please pray for my kids who are and have been going through depression struggles and difficulty seeing the light in this world. They struggle every day and I wish them peace and happiness. Please pray for continued guidance to choose the right paths and do the right things, that they would see the positive things in their life and not succumb to all the negative.

Received: June 16, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 46 times.

Patty Clemens

Please pray for John’s daughter Kimberly, her husband Chris, and son Brody (5 years old) with the death of Chris’ mom. Please pray for Kimberly and Brody’s safety as they drive home today. They are leaving at noon and will be driving all night without stopping. Lord, please watch over them as they make this 1100 mile trip. We also ask that God would comfort this family as they grieve the loss of Chris' mother.

Received: June 16, 2020